Hey! It's deantonious, a computer engineer base in Madrid, Spain. I've been passionate about computers since I was 5 (yes, my dad used to sell computers by then). My main interests are the maker community, software development, hacking, videogames and airsoft (I organise some fancy inmersive games with cool hardware).
You may fin focused on open-source projects, researching or coding some random stuff I thought about at 4am. Can speak fluent C, C++, Java, C#, PHP, JS and Python, and code in Spanish and English.
Currently working as a Vulnerability Management Engineer at Swiss Re. On my previous live I founded TechTalents (tech academy) and used to be a Senior Cybersecurity Consultant at Deloitte, working on Vulnerability Management, Breach and Attack Simulation and physical intrusions.
Proud member of MysteryHack!
hackOx is a modular, fully customizable web-based pentesting interface. It can be operated in portable mode in which
you connect to the device or in client-server mode, where different devices are connected and controlled by a server.
The interface can be customized by adding modules (which extend the core functions) and apps (which are scripts that
after running generates an output).
Bill Badge
Real life multiplayer game for all ages for #36C3 - Website
Penguicorn Badge
Hacker badge powered by an ESP8266. With CC1101, NRF24L01, Oled Screen, RGB WS2812B Leds and 2xSAO Connectors! Awesome board by @davedarko
#36c3 Fox Hunt
WiFi fox hunt for 36th Chaos Communication Congress
WiFi Duck Interface
Official user control interface of Spacehuhn's Wifi Duck - Website
#35c3 Wifi Satellite
Redesigned version of the #34C3 Wifi Satellite. Enhanced with newer boards, LEGO cross axes, longer cables and improved sync.
#34c3 Wifi Satellite
We designed this device on an attempt to build a cheaper version of the Wifi Cactus using 14 ESP32 boards with OLED screens and SD card slots
to display and log the 2.4GHz channels traffic.
Tool for generating unicode evil domains for IDN Homograph Attack and detect them (command line version made for hackOx)
Create custom HTTP/HTTPS requests and saves the output to a text file. This is really useful for some CTF challenges and Web Pentesting.
WiFi Deauther Interface
Clean default web interface for Spacehuhn's wifi deauther software.
OLE'Draw: OLED Byte array painting tool for Arduino
DVD Screensaver: DVD screensaver emulation with wall hit stats